Version 3.1.0
Release note: version 3.1.0
- From now on, when a user sends notifications by email via the trepied.co application (request for signatures, documents, etc.) and one of the recipients 'Replies' to this email, the reply goes back to the sender of the notification.
- Request for signature' right added: This right changes the status of an Inspection or Prevention Plan edition from 'Prepared' to 'For signature' (i.e. 'Submit for signature' action).
- New 'Adjust visibility' right: with this right, when a department is added to an operation, visibility is automatically added to that department (and all its contacts).
- When a new version of the application is released, a popup appears at the user's first connection (following publication). This pop-up informs the user of the new version number and provides a link to the release note for those who want to know more.
- The list of appendices is now included in editions of fire permits and safety protocols.
- The action buttons on a 'risky activity' have been merged into a menu. There is now a '...' button to access the various possible actions (delete, duplicate, edit).
- In Parameters > Editions > Common Inspections, to define 'multiple' Material Instruction Documents, it is now possible to add a title and text.
- In Parameters > EU / EE service files > 'New contact' file, the Permitted signatory box has been added.
- In parameters > EU / EE service sheets > 'New contact' sheet, the First name Last name, Position and Email fields are now mandatory.
- In the configuration parameters, the @EUNAME variable (user company name) can now be used in the invitation email template (user account creation).
- Corrected 'Create PoP editions without common inspection' right.
- Corrected content and recipient table in the email tab of the Fire Permit and Security Protocol editions.
- Removal of the 'Risk analysis' button from the General Information section of Security Protocol operations.
- Corrected operation menu display bug on Safari browsers.
- There was a problem with certain special characters in the names of documents imported by EEs. It is now possible to have the characters é, è, à, ù in the name of a document.