Version 3.15.0
New update!
Release note: version 3.15
This update includes new features and bug fixes to improve your overall experience. Here's an overview of the improvements:
New features :
- Viewing folder contacts from the dashboard: You can now quickly and easily access contacts associated with a folder directly from the dashboard, simplifying the management of key information.
- Added Markdown syntax in permits: We've introduced support for Markdown syntax in permits, allowing you to format and layout text blocks more flexibly and aesthetically.
- Pilot field in actions to be implemented in control visits: We've added a pilot field to actions to be implemented in control visits, enabling you to assign a specific person to each action, making it easier to manage assigned tasks.
- Editing photos/images in inspection visits: You can now edit photos or images already added to inspection visits. This allows you to update and improve the visual information associated with inspections.
Corrections :
- Rights issue on adding operators to permits: We have resolved a problem that prevented operators from being added to permits due to access rights issues. You should now be able to correctly assign the necessary operators to each permit.
- Fixed button for clearing a time entry: We have corrected a problem with the button for clearing a time entry, ensuring a smoother and more accurate entry experience when editing schedules.
We have resolved a problem with checkboxes when signing PDPs and ICPs on the user company interface.
We hope these new features and fixes will improve your experience of and enable you to manage your prevention plans more effectively. We welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can continue to improve our platform.