Section 1: Scope of application
Article R4511-1
The provisions of this title apply to the head of the user company and to the head of the external company when an external company brings in workers to carry out or participate in the carrying out of an operation, whatever its nature, in an establishment of a user company, including its outbuildings or worksites.
Article R4511-2
The provisions of this title do not apply to work relating to shipbuilding and ship repair.
Article R4511-3
The provisions of this title do not apply to building or civil engineering worksites subject to the coordination obligation laid down in Article L. 4532-2, or to other enclosed and independent worksites.
However, the head of the user company cooperates with the health and safety coordinator, in accordance with the conditions set out in article R. 4532-14.
Where these sites are subject to the obligation to draw up a general health and safety coordination plan as provided for in Article L. 4532-8, the head of the user company receives a copy of this plan and participates, at his or her request, in the work of the inter-company safety, health and working conditions committee, if one exists.
Article R4511-4
For the purposes of this title, "operation" means the work or provision of services carried out by one or more companies in order to achieve a single objective.
Section 2: Prevention coordination
Article R4511-5
The head of the user company is responsible for the overall coordination of the preventive measures he takes and those taken by all the heads of external companies working on his site.
Article R4511-6
Each company manager is responsible for applying the preventive measures required to protect the workers he or she employs.
Article R4511-7
The purpose of the general coordination of preventive measures is to prevent risks arising from interference between the activities, installations and equipment of different companies present in the same workplace.
Article R4511-8
As part of the general coordination of preventive measures, the head of the user company alerts the head of the external company concerned when he is informed of a serious danger involving one of the company's workers, even if he considers that the danger is caused exclusively by that company, so that the necessary preventive measures can be taken by the employer concerned.
In addition, he asks the owner of the establishment for technical files containing information on the search for and identification of asbestos-containing materials, as provided for in articles R. 1334-22, R. 1334-27 and R. 1334-28 of the French Public Health Code. He communicates these documents to the head of the outside company working on the site.
Article R4511-9
For the application of the provisions of this title, the head of the outside company may only delegate his powers to a worker with the necessary authority, skills and resources.
Whenever possible, the latter is appointed from among the workers called upon to take part in carrying out the operations planned in the user company's establishment.
Article R4511-10
The managers of external companies shall inform the user company in writing of :
1° The date of their arrival and the foreseeable duration of their intervention
2° The foreseeable number of workers affected
3° The name and qualifications of the person in charge of the intervention
4° The names and references of their subcontractors, as soon as possible and in any case before the start of the work entrusted to them
5° Identification of subcontracted work
Article R4511-11
The head of the user company and the heads of external companies keep the information mentioned in article R. 4511-10 available:
1° The relevant health, safety and working conditions committee
2° Competent occupational physicians
3° Labor inspectorate
4° Agents of the prevention services of social security organizations
5° Where applicable, staff from the Organisme Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (Occupational Prevention Body for Construction and Public Works).
Article R4511-12
Upon request, the managers of outside companies provide the labor inspectorate with a statement of the hours actually spent by the workers assigned to the operation.